MSU Tollgate Farm: Animal “Camp” Week 2

Howdy Campers! Welcome to week four of the MSU Tollgate Summer Adventures! We are so excited to have you as part of this incredible journey as we discover and explore the wonders of nature from a distance but together. On this page you will be able to explore a series of activities, videos, and tips that will help you get outside, creative, dirty, and learning!

During this camp week our adventures will take us beyond our home as we investigate animals and their behaviors in the wild. Throughout the week we will visit and interact with our animals on the farm as well as the animals and critters we find as we explore the diverse habitats found within the pond, forest, and fields. Discoveries, collaboration, and play are in store for this fun-filled animal-focused week!

Table of Contents: 

Page 1: Introduction and Feedback Survey 
Page 2: Social Skill Challenge
Page 3:
STEAM Activity: Design an Animal 
Page 4: Activities
Page 5: Educational Videos

We are using this summer camp platform as a way to stay connected this summer and get the youth outside and learning! We have decided to start a private Facebook Group for our blog this year as a simple way to help keep us connected. This private group will be a safe place to share pictures and experiences of your “camper” working on MSU Tollgate summer projects. 

FEEDBACK SURVEY: Let us know how we are doing and how else we can help by filling out the short survey below! We appreciate any feedback, the good and the not so good.