MSU Tollgate Farm Splish Splash Water Week

Social Skill Challenge: Cooperation 

What does the word cooperation mean? 

Cooperation is the ability work together as a team towards a common goal. 

What are ways you can cooperate?

  • Listen 
  • Share 
  • Take Turns 
  • Share the load 
  • Compromise
  • Encourage and support 
  • Avoid isolation and exclusion  

Why is Cooperation important?
It allows a group to share their important information and use their skills to help work toward a common goal in a time efficient manner. We all have different skills, talents, perspectives, and  knowledge to offer and together can share valuable information that can help all parties grow. 

The Challenge: 

How can you practice cooperation in your everyday life?

From your own experiences what makes group work fun? What makes group work not fun?

What are examples of activities that require cooperation at school? At home?

What is the difference with cooperating as a group and just going along with the group?


  1. While watching a television show or movie with your family. Make a list of all the situations where you saw good cooperation and also where you saw bad cooperation. Discuss how the characters could have changed their behavior when they weren’t cooperating to being cooperative. 
  2. Plan a family meal together where you need to cooperate together to decide what to make and divide up the tasks so that everyone has a job and feels included. 
  3. Complete a puzzle together. 
  4. Complete household chores together so that everyone has their own job and every one is held accountable to get their job done so that together as a family you can enjoy a clean house.