Outdoor Adventure Camp 2013: Week 1, Day 5

Hi Peppers!

It was our last fun filled day at camp and I hope you enjoyed today just as much as me!

We went fishing and caught some fish and just a little weeds from the pond too! We owe a big thanks to everyone who helped us fish!

A Green Pepper watches her bobber

A Green Pepper watches her bobber


An Orange Pepper shows off his big catch!

An Orange Pepper shows off his big catch!

We got to shoot archery today, too. I hope everyone thanked Ms. Megan for keeping us safe on the archery line!

Ms. Megan helps a Green Pepper pull back the bow

Ms. Megan helps a Green Pepper pull back the bow

In garden kitchen we made crackers and hummus. Everyone couldn’t get enough of their yummy hummus!

Ms. Kayla helps the Yellow Peppers make their crackers

Ms. Kayla helps the Yellow Peppers make their crackers

In afternoon garden kitchen we used our dried fruit to make trail mix. It was cool to see and taste how the fruit changed.

The Red Peppers check out their dried fruit

The Red Peppers check out their dried fruit

Before our skits, we went outside to play a fun game of capture the flag. It was Green and Red Peppers against Orange and Yellow. We had a fun time with all our camp friends and counselors.

Mr. Alan tells the campers to come up with a plan to capture the other team's flage

Mr. Alan tells the campers to come up with a plan to capture the other team’s flag

At the end of the day it was time to say goodbye but not before we performed our skits that we came up with in music. Each group came up with their own idea and characters with Ms. Lauren.

The Red Peppers taught us what not to do at camp, here we are learning to not stand in canoes

The Red Peppers taught us what not to do at camp, here we are learning to not stand in canoes

I hope you had a great week at camp because I sure did! I can’t wait to see you again!


Libby the Ladybug

Here are all of the photos from the week!




Friday’s Recipes

Garlic Hummus with Homemade Crackers

1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 tablespoons fresh parsley
3 garlic cloves
1/2 onion chopped into small pieces (or green onions)
Juice of half lime
2 tablespoons sesame oil
1/2 teaspoon coriander
Salt and Pepper


Chop all ingredients. Place them in the bowl of your food processor and season with salt, pepper and coriander. Blend until pureed. Serve with bread or crackers.








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